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4 Things We Can All Agree On

An adorable brown and white calf stands in a green pasture and looks into the camera.
Image credit: Sylwia Adamowska on Unsplash

Unless you’re one of the blissful few who wake up each morning refreshed from the isolation only a private island can provide, then you know we live in trying times.

Thankfully, this brief post is here to provide a brief respite from all that trying stuff. 🙌


By taking a moo-ment to remind us what most of humanity can agree on.


Cows & websites & holidays, oh my!

Here are the top 4 things that (we believe) almost everyone can agree on:

  1. Cows are freakin’ adorable.
  2. A well-oiled website is vital for (almost) every business.
  3. The holidays seem to come earlier every. single. year. (According to our local Hallmark source, Oct 12 is the day the stores turn into Christmas Central. 😮)
  4. See #1.



Yay! We’re all in agreement. Now what?

As for #2 and #3, the Mad Cow herd is here to make sure your e-commerce site is prepped for the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season.

As for #1 and #4, check out our end-of-the-year roundup of adorable Patty pics! (You won’t be disappointed, we promise.)



Got a website project in mind?

Ring our cowbell.


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