4 Things We Can All Agree On

Unless you’re one of the blissful few who wake up each morning refreshed from the isolation only a private island can provide, then you know we live in trying times.
Thankfully, this brief post is here to provide a brief respite from all that trying stuff. 🙌
By taking a moo-ment to remind us what most of humanity can agree on.
Cows & websites & holidays, oh my!
Here are the top 4 things that (we believe) almost everyone can agree on:
- Cows are freakin’ adorable.
- A well-oiled website is vital for (almost) every business.
- The holidays seem to come earlier every. single. year. (According to our local Hallmark source, Oct 12 is the day the stores turn into Christmas Central. 😮)
- See #1.
Yay! We’re all in agreement. Now what?
As for #2 and #3, the Mad Cow herd is here to make sure your e-commerce site is prepped for the hustle and bustle of the holiday shopping season.
As for #1 and #4, check out our end-of-the-year roundup of adorable Patty pics! (You won’t be disappointed, we promise.)
Got a website project in mind?
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