Got a WooCommerce store? The Mad Cow Customizer will help you manage your shop content like a pro. ✨

fort collins co web designIs your website mobile-friendly? Is it “responsive”? (that’s the fancy term for “viewable on a mobile device.) We really don’t have a choice in today’s online marketplace. If your visitors are exploring companies like yours on their phones and tablets, you had better be making some adjustments to your site.

You have a couple of options to tackle this project. The first is to have your website “tweaked” or re-coded to include the responsive technology. The code (behind the scenes) will evaluate the device being used to browse your site and adjust the view-port accordingly. It will shuffle the contents (stacking them for scrolling), increase the font size and even eliminate large images for fast loading times. “Most” websites can be re-coded to include this functionality, but talk to your web developer to get the exact details.

If you decide to head down this road (and you’re on a tight budget), remember that not ALL of your pages need to be responsive. Put yourself in the shoes of the visitor and imagine what pages they would most likely want to view. Menu, Specials, room-rates, amenities, map/directions, contact us, etc. Essentially, just the big-ticket pages that are most often viewed by your customers. These pages can also be identified using Google analytics or whichever tracking code you are using on your site.

Responsive technology is readily available even if you are on a platform such as WordPress. There are a few decent plug-ins that will incorporate this functionality into your site for little or no cost. While these plug-ins do have limited customization, it is a cheap, quick fix if you are not budgeted for a full over-haul.

Last, but certainly not least, is the use of a mobile app. This provides a full featured interface for the visitors and a fully customizable platform at a very reasonable cost.  This gives your customers a great interface, specifically designed for mobile and you don’t need to mess with your existing site. Not a bad deal.  Give us a call today to talk about the options you have for your business.  You might be surprised at what you learn.