Check Yo Self!

All the SEO efforts in the world will do you no good if you fail to evaluate your results. Much like anything you strive for, losing weight, gaining muscle, learning a new skill, etc., you won’t really know if you are improving if you don’t measure it somehow. I’m not going to get into S.M.A.R.T. […]
Phinding Phrases

This past week I had an opportunity to chat with a client about keyword identification and research. I know this is a topic we have covered in the past, but it bears revisiting. When you are heading down the road of optimizing your site for search engines (SEO), the first and most crucial step […]
Google Trends Can Help Target Business Opportunities

This time of year many businesses are reviewing the past 12 months and looking ahead to the new year and new opportunities. Since it is no secret that Internet marketing is paramount to the success of most businesses today, knowing what your customers are searching for (and when!) is a critical piece of that puzzle. […]