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Where’s Patty? – A 2024 Photo Album

A cute, squeezable stress cow sits inside a teal and brown backpack. Text reads: Where's Patty? A 2024 Photo Album

Ever since her introduction, Patty’s fans have been taking her all around the world.

From mountain tops to royal gorges, Patty has seen quite a bit.

And this year’s photo album (Patty’s first!) is a short compilation from some of her earliest adventures.


Get to know our beautiful bovine

Who is Patty?

Logo mark for Mad Cow Web, which is a cranky looking cow with her hands on her hips

A few years ago (2019, to be exact), Mad Cow Web went through a rebrand.

We went from Ridgeview Technology to Mad Cow Web, and, of course, we needed a mascot (moo-scot?).

So I partnered with my pal John from 1000 Robots Design and he came up with the most perfect cow for our logo.

With that cranky grimace and the odorous “gifts” these beautiful bovines are known for, her name just had to be Patty.

Why is she, um, squeezable?

Logo mark for Mad Cow Web, which is a cranky looking cow with her hands on her hips

By nature, I’m a tactile person, and I absolutely love the idea of being able to physically interact with a company’s branding.

So when it came time to revamp my own brand, I knew we had to come up with something that would put a smile on any human face when Mad Cow came to mind.

And what better way to provide that amoosing something (while also offering clinically proven stress-reduction benefits) than to get hundreds of squeezable cows? 😍


Patty in Pictures

As I mentioned, Patty has been touring the world for many years now, but we’re just now getting our patties in a pile.

So we’re kicking off Patty’s photo log with a look back at adventures past!

Dirt biking in Washington state

Patty the stress cow sits on top of a dirt bike with the mountains and puffy white clouds in the background.

Visiting family in Crested Butte

A small squeezable cow Patty is on a rock overlooking a herd of cows in a meadow.

At Cave of the Winds in Manitou Springs, CO

Patty is on a wooden fence post looking out towards Cave of the Winds.
Photo credit: Deborah S.

Me and Patty enjoying the beautiful views on Mount Garfield (Franconia, NH)

Jason is bundled up in rain gear, and a stress cow named Patty is sitting on the concrete railing to his right. Behind them is a wall of impenetrable mist.

Patty summited Mount Shavana in San Isabel National Forest. (This was her second 14er!)

Patty the stress cow happily sits on top of a large boulder. Behind her is a beautiful mountain view. On the boulder, this text is written: Mt. Shavana, 14,229

Patty rocked out to Jason Isbell at Red Rocks Amphitheatre.

View of the ourdoor amphitheater Red Rocks from the higher level of seats. Patty the stress cow is featured in the bottom of the photo.


And there’s still so much more for Patty to see!

We love seeing Patty get into all sorts of shenanigans, so don’t forget your squeezable stowaway the next time you head out for adventures near and far! 📸

(Psst — Need a stress Patty all your own? Give us a shout!)


Additional photo credits: Jason Robie



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